Tuesday, November 09, 2021

Controller/Seedbed by Catherine Daly (2014)


Catherine Daly 

limited cycle press


(c) 2014

Never heard of the press before. The poem in 30 parts is an interesting "projection-analysis" of the world we live in. Frightening and accurate. Good read. 

Update: I reached out to Ms. Daly and piece together the following information upgrade. I asked about the piece or pieces in the book and she said, "My original intent was to use this to control steering through texts (ex. jumping).  Each section is from a different nintendo game (from about 15 years ago)." 

I asked about the publisher (limited cycle press) and learned that it was "Jukka-Pekka Kervinen!  I first met him though Peter Ganick @ blue lion, but he'd published some chapbooks of mine (Daly's) online."

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