Thursday, September 05, 2024

Prisoner in the Streets of Paradise (1984)

 Prisoner in the Streets of Paradise

Mao Penha

St. Thomas Graphics

Virgin Islands


Wheelchair bound, Mao Penha had this book released in 1984. His is an unfortunate and tragic story and yet he has, as of 2005, made the best of a truly terrible situation. 

Monday, September 02, 2024

Beaches by Ruth Messenger (1981)



Ruth Messenger 

The Partridge Press

Hudson, OH

(c) 1981

Illustrations by Janet Child. Staple bound collection of island poems. The author had a number of chapbooks published by this printer in the 1970s, apparently, and this was one assembled from some previously published work suggested by the subtitle of the book, "selected poems". There is an address for the author to the person who bought the copy from her and the address is in the Virgin Islands. 

Sunday, September 01, 2024

Winter Me. Summer Me. by Becky Lee Weyrich (1974)

Winter Me. Summer Me.

Becky Lee Weyrich

Sentinel Press

Jessup , GA


In the world of "hen's teeth", this is one. Published in 1974 and inscribed and signed by Mrs. Weyrich this HAS TO BE among the first things published by the author. She included her address on St. Simons Island and a phone number (no longer in service, I called) 

Illustrated throughout by the author. Quite the find.