Saturday, February 03, 2024

Fridge Haikus by Sophia M. Giudici (unknown)

 Fridge Haikus

Sophia M. Giudici

self published

(c) unknown

This hand sewn booklet is the physical representation of the author's time creating haiku and "publishing" them on Instagram. 

However, there is none of that information in the book. I gleaned it from the Net. Not sure what the point of the book is since they were all posted virtually to begin with. The author is more a student of Insta-poets than of haiku. All the piece are surface - lacking depth. As a poet friend of mine said in the 1990s "it's just words". 

Supposedly the haiku are meant to represent her live during the COVID years, which is fine and it's what countless others have also done - albeit not in haiku form, but

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